Dental Blog
Tips, insights, and technology news

Dental Implant Tips for Patients With Bruxism
It’s common to have questions about the dental implant process if you’re considering such a procedure, and some of these

Are Dental Implants Painful?
Prospective patients often have common questions regarding dental implants and related procedures, with one recurring inquiry: “Are dental implants painful?”

Advanced Prep for Dental Implant Procedures
There are a number of oral procedures where a bit of preparation ahead of time can make a huge difference

Basics on Cleaning Your Dental Implants
Cleaning is naturally one of the most important topics when it comes to any form of oral care, and this

Food and Drink Tips After Teeth Whitening
There are a few dental procedures where some basic dietary limitations may be recommended to ensure optimal results, and a

Value of Professional Teeth Whitening
While there are a number of services or processes that some people can realistically carry out or obtain on a

On Dental Insurance and Porcelain Veneers
A common question that many patients have when undergoing various dental procedures, and one that’s worth asking about in many

Oral Cancer Risk Factors to Be Aware Of
Risk factors are something we all need to keep in mind for conditions like cancer, and the realm of oral