Simpsonville Dental Implant Myths: Visibility, Lifespan, Pain Levels

Myths or misconceptions about certain areas of our world aren’t necessarily that harmful, but the realm of dentistry and oral care is absolutely not one of these. Improper information about any part of your oral care may lead you down a negative path, one where risks of issues like cavities, gum disease and even tooth loss or decay are far higher than they would be otherwise.

At Bynum Aesthetic Dentistry, we’re here to ensure all our Simpsonville and other South Carolina clients have the proper information on any of our services, including the realm of dental implants — which we specialize in. What are some of the most common myths out there about these valuable and beneficial products? This two-part blog series will go over several and set you straight so you have the right information moving forward.

Myth #1: Everyone Will See Your Implants

Perhaps the single most common myth surrounding dental implants is the idea that, once you have them, they’ll be incredibly obvious to everyone around you. In reality, the only people who’ll be able to tell are those very close to you and those with a keen eye for detail.

Everyone else is going to have no idea that, under your gums, there’s actually a very valuable tooth replacement instead of just a normal tooth. That’s because dental implants are made to look and feel exactly like the teeth they’re replacing. Whether you choose to get crowns installed or simply want a fixed replacement, it’ll all be done with the utmost discretion and quality materials that keep up with your natural tooth’s level of appearance and durability.

Myth #2: Dental Implants Don’t Last Very Long

We’re not sure where this one came from, because it’s the opposite of the truth. With proper care and maintenance to keep up with their level of durability, dental implants can actually last for forty or even fifty years. As long as the key components are in good working order, there’s no reason why your implants shouldn’t stay functioning for decades to come.

Myth #3: Getting Dental Implants is Painful

Another common myth, and one that’s harmful because it may stop some people who need dental implants from getting them, is the idea that this process is overly painful. In reality, the use of mild forms of sedation like nitrous oxide can make the process feel no different than a normal visit to the dentist’s office. Some people are even able to manage this process without any sedation at all, though if you feel even moderate pain, we recommend asking your dentist for a mild sedative to help you through it.

For more debunked myths surrounding dental implants, or to learn about any of our dental clinic services in Simpsonville, speak to the staff at Bynum Aesthetic Dentistry today.

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