1334 South Highway 14, Simpsonville, SC 29681


What Is Sleep Apnea and What Are Common Signs of It?

What Is Sleep Apnea? In general, sleep apnea is a condition that causes an individual to quit breathing while sleeping. It’s divided into three types: Obstructive sleep apnea happens when your throat muscles relax too much or your jaw is misaligned, obstructing your airways and causing your tongue to do so, as well. Central sleep apnea occurs… Read more »

Dental Implant Myths: Age, Risk Factors and Process

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over a few of the most common myths out there about dental implants, plus the proper information in each of these. Such misconceptions can be very harmful, sometimes even preventing people from getting the right dental implant due to improper fears that aren’t even based… Read more »

Testing for Oral Cancer

When you think of cancer and the various types, many people don’t immediately think of oral cancer.  According to the American Cancer Society, females have 0.71% chance and males a 1.7% chance of developing this particular type of cancer.  Being oral physicians, we recognize that the earlier we can spot potential areas of concern, the… Read more »

All About Gums

How do you know if your gums are healthy? What are some common signs of trouble? And how can you prevent and reverse gum problems? Today we’re going to be delving deeper into your gums’ health.   Gums are a vital component of overall dental health. Gums protect your teeth and jaws, similar to how… Read more »

Teeth Tomorrow – Dental Implants of the Future

We here at Bynum Aesthetic Dentistry are incredibly fortunate to be able to offer some of the latest technologies available in the dental space. And none are we more excited about than Teeth Tomorrow®, a new revolutionary dental implant system. In the greater Greenville area, we are your go-to provider of this new dental procedure,… Read more »

When Is It More Than Just a Headache?

Did you know as many as 1 in 10 people claim to experience jaw pain? TMJ pain, which is pain related to the temporomandibular joint and surrounding muscles, can sometimes be hard to differentiate from other illnesses such as tension headaches or simply sinus pressure? The main difference between tension headaches and TMJ headaches can… Read more »